Website Assignment

For this assignments you have to work in groups of three or less, or you may work individually. The final deliverable will be a website for fictional small business that your group creates. This assignment will be very valuable to you (and your resume); it is therefore advised to take the time to design it professionally.


Things I am looking for


Step 1:

Step 2:

In the CSS:

  1. For each of the word list divs,give them a background color, a border,margins and padding.
  2. For an li, give the following
    1. Give the li a fixed width and height
    2. Give it a background color and a border
    3. Give it a margin and padding
  3. For an ul, add list-style-type:none

Chemical formula of water is H2O

Ti+2 = Ti+Ti+1



9th of september

I am studying at the school

This paragraph is wrapped around the image.

Forest conservation is the practice of planting and maintaining forested areas for the benefit and sustainability of future generations.In the United States, forest conservation is popular in the late 19th and early 20th centuries.Forest conservation involves the upkeep of natural resourses within a forest that are beneficial to both humans and ecosystem.


Comparison of models

Model OS Display RAM
Samsung Galaxy S7 Android 5.1" 4 GB
Sony Xperia Z5 4.6" 2 GB
Apple iPhone 6s iOS 4.7"